How Custom Packaging Can Be Beneficial For Your Product

Over the last 10 years, eCommerce companies have grown so fast & gained huge popularity. Before this, nobody had imagined that they would buy clothes & vegetables without visiting the market. But, with the booming technology, now everything is just one click away from us. Especially now, when the pandemic has hit the world badly, eCommerce & online shopping becomes the priority mostly for everyone because it reduces the exposure of people to the outside world making them stay safe & alive. As per the Statista report, "in 2021, there will be 2.14 global shoppers" which means that approximately 27.2% of the world's population are buying online with an expected global population of about 7.87 billion people. With the increase in online shopping, the responsibility of the business owner to safely deliver the product also increases. Therefore, custom packaging plays a very crucial role in eCommerce & online business. As per Ipsos, about 72% of Americans s...